This forum is our way of keeping connected as well as building a B2B community for our registered members from and those who aren't necessarily members but might benefit from our forum.
For the newbies out there, our website the is the largest Asian business contact directory. That means we have so far, 150,000 business contact information and 30,000 company information and at least 2,500 updates weekly in our website which you can browse and download easily.
Business contacts means those decision-makers, the hard-to-reach big shots; the CEO, President, Vice-President, CIO, COO, the managers, etc., these seemingly elusive contacts are actually reachable. But we also have business contact information of those from the staff level, the account executives, the marketing guy, the IT engineering dude, the chic copywriter, the hip graphic designers and so on and so forth.
We have their following contact information:
1. Their full name
2. Their specific job title
3. Their business email address
4. Their direct phone no.
5. The full name of the company they are currently working for
6. Company address
Company information means..well, the company information:
1. Full name of company
2. Company website
3. Phone nos.
4. Fax no.
5. Company address – postal code, city, country
7. Industry
8. Sub-industry
9. No. of employees
So in a nutshell, our website is a business contact/company Asian directory that offers a more detailed contact (direct phone nos., fax nos., business email address) information. Not only can you browse and choose contacts in our website, you can actually customize a list of specific contacts, give it to us and we’ll take care of the rest.
Only accurate, updated and valid information are available in our website. We have an internal team who works hard on that. And actually, we also have an external team which includes the registered members. So if you’re a register member of ,that means you’re a part of our external team.
If you have any questions regarding and related to our website, www.thenewlead.comor anything related to sales, marketing and anything in between, just start asking, just start posting.
Thank you for being part of the TheNewLead community. Happy posting!